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Child & Youth Mental Health Initiative

Our Child and Youth Mental Health Initiative (CYMHI) program provides education to children and youth, parents and families, and school and other child/youth social service personnel around the issues of mental illnesses and mental health in children and youth. These include: teen suicide awareness and education presentations; presentations to teachers and school staff on recognizing and responding to mental illnesses in schools; and education for parents and families on issues surrounding mental health and illness in children and youth.


ANSWER (Adolescents Never Suicide When Everyone Responds) is one of the only classroom-based suicide prevention projects in the region. The program teaches teens how to identify the signs of depression and suicide and encourages help-seeking behaviors. ANSWER’s objective is to have teens turn to an adult if they or a friend are depressed or have thoughts of suicide.

CYMHI provides educational suicide prevention sessions for 4,000-5,000 young people in schools and in the community each year.

Child & Youth Mental Health Initiative

For more information about CYMHI, contact Rachele Hogard at 913-281-2221.